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NYSFAAA Launches Ask Rory, an AI Chatbot to Support New York Financial Aid Administrators (NYSFAAA) Members, NYS High School Counselors as well as students and families, Powered by Ocelot

Ask Rory is a Timely, Virtual Resource to Support Financial Aid and Financial Wellness Education, Support High School Counselors, and the Families They Advise Across New York State.

Ocelot’s Extensive and Growing Knowledge Base and Financial Wellness Video Library Provides NYSFAAA with a Unique Tool that is Easy to Maintain.

BOULDER, CO – Ocelot, the nation’s largest Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider of multilingual artificially intelligent chatbots and videos to higher education, announced today that the New York State Financial Aid Administrators Association (NYSFAAA) has launched a conversational chatbot on its easy-to-use platform.

Rory (aka THE ROAR) is accessible 24/7/365 for NYSFAAA members, and also high school counselors across New York State who advise families on the college journey. Rory’s knowledge base of content is vast, covering thousands of questions and answers on topics such as FAFSA completion, state and federal financial aid programs, scholarships, and loans.

Rory’s knowledge base grows daily as content is dynamically generated across the Ocelot platform. In addition, Rory can access thousands of short Ocelot explainer and tutorial videos covering financial aid and financial wellness topics.

As Rory is just a puppy, he is still learning, but he gets smarter all the time.

Howard Leslie, President of NYSFAAA, said, “We are amazed and appreciative for not only the delivered solutions and abilities, but how many problems we are able to solve daily just because the bot is there. We quickly find out about, and respond to things like password issues, membership concerns, event times, and issues that may have gone unresolved if it was not for ‘THE ROAR’.”

“For the past 17 years, our mission has been ‘to make a better life more accessible’,” said Damon Vangelis, Founder and CEO of Ocelot. “We are proud to partner with NYSFAAA on the Rory chatbot. Doing so advances our mission. Financial Aid Administrators across New York State are on the front lines of student support. Rory can provide college financial aid administrators and high school counselors across the state with an exceptional resource to help students and families.”

Chatbots built on Ocelot’s platform are mobile friendly, WCAG AA 2.0 accessible, and can be deployed for colleges across student service departments and One-Stops, and for member organizations.

Organizations choose to build chatbots on Ocelot’s Chatbot platform in order to:

  • Provide “Virtual Service and Support”
  • Improve Customer Service
  • Reduce Phone Calls and Wait Times
  • Support Self-Service
  • Ensure Consistency of Answers
  • Save Staff Time
  • Promote Financial Literacy/Financial Wellness/Debt Education

To schedule a demo of Ocelot, please call 1-888-704-9090 or visit to learn more.

About Ocelot

Founded in 2003, Ocelot is higher education’s #1 SaaS provider of multilingual artificially intelligent chatbots to higher education. Ocelot’s chatbot platform, which includes an unrivaled knowledge base of thousands of “how to” videos, guides over 3 million students across the United States through all aspects of the student lifecycle including admissions, enrollment, financial aid, and student advising. The Ocelot platform is the communication mechanism that enables student service departments campus-wide to provide virtual support, and meet enrollment, retention, and engagement goals as well as access and equity initiatives. Visit to learn more.