Demystify FAFSA Simplification with Ocelot's AI-powered Digital Assistant, Available Now!

Ocelot Connectors

Seamlessly and securely pull relevant data from established campus systems to enhance multi-channel communications

Bring back-end data to the forefront
of student engagement

Ocelot One connects to all systems across Higher Ed, those shown above and beyond!

A single access point for students

Students can access personalized information from across campus via one simple, streamlined engagement — finding what they need to be successful without having to navigate a complex web of systems.

Enhanced responses

Informed by data from SISs and CRMs, student interactions can include personal guidance and suggested next steps based on individual student profiles — from their course enrollments to financial aid status.

An aggregate view for institutions

Institutions get a more holistic understanding of needs throughout the stages of the student lifecycle by seeing how students are interacting across departments at any given time.

Ocelot One

AI-Driven Student Lifecycle Engagement Platform

The central connection point between institutions and students

Expand the power of your campus systems today

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