Demystify FAFSA Simplification with Ocelot's AI-powered Digital Assistant, Available Now!

Increasing Student Retention and Enhancing School Success

Ocelot AI Communication Platform

Ocelot’s platform seamlessly integrates Two-Way Texting, live chat and chatbot tools with existing campus systems to provide prospective students personalized and proactive support throughout the admissions process.

87% of higher education leaders agree that students that can’t easily access information about admissions requirements and lack support are less likely to complete applications.

Overcoming Enrollment Challenges

Admission and recruiting offices at institutions across the U.S. are facing increase competition with intense pressure to meet enrollment goals. With a diverse body of prospective students and a noisy market, colleges and universities need solutions that can expand their reach while delivering communications through preferred channels used by students.

Streamline the admissions process and enroll more students

Ocelot’s purpose-built AI communication platform lets Admissions and Recruiting offices offer 24/7 support and reach more prospects with compelling, personalized messages that break down barriers to success and ensure applications get completed.

Increase visibility

Get in front of prospective students by engaging directly on the channels they use most – standing out from competitors crowding their inboxes.

Generate new leads

Capture unique information from those visiting the website and engaging with your chatbot to inform personalized and relevant follow up.

Improve service

Meet students where they are with the answers they need when they need it by pulling in the most up-to-date information from across your campus systems and offering multichannel support.

“In this enrollment environment, you can’t afford not to do this.”

Brian Jones, Director of Admissions

Minnesota State University

Why Ocelot AI Communication Platform

Built-in inquiry forms

Collect information from those interacting with the Ocelot platform to capture more qualified leads and inform personalized follow up plans via 1:1 and campaign-based texting.

Flexible integration

Leverage the most updated and relevant information from across your SIS and other campus systems to inform each interaction – ensuring prospective students get the most accurate, actionable answer every time.

Controlled AI

Tap into the power of AI while maintaining staff involvement in prospective student interactions by partnering with Ocelot’s team of higher-ed experts to build institution-specific content and controls.

Dive into more success stories

Hear how your peers are realizing the benefits of the Ocelot’s AI Communication and Student Engagement Platform, ensuring every student gets the answers they need so no one is left behind.

4 Year Public

Colorado State University Global

As a fully online institution without a physical campus, building connections with students at CSU Global is uniquely challenging...
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Community College

Bakersfield College

Managing the volume of financial aid questions for Bakersfield College had become a challenge...
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4 Year Public

Empire State University

ESU administrators knew they needed tools and resources aimed at helping Empire State University’s students (spread out across every region of New York state) seek ...
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