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Expanding from COVID Response to Campus-Wide AI Communications

Founded in 1968, County College of Morris is a community college located in Randolph, New Jersey. The institution offers over 45 associate degree programs, numerous certificate and workforce development programs and has over 200 transfer agreements with the state’s and nation’s best four-year institutions.
Randolph, New Jersey
Institution Type
Community College
Number of Students
Customer Spotlight

Rob Stirton
VP of Institutional Effectiveness & CIO

County College of Morris (CCM) stayed ahead of the pandemic and moved its campus to virtual learning and operations earlier than most. During this transition, and anticipating ongoing uncertainty, Rob Stirton, VP of Institutional Effectiveness & CIO knew CCM needed a communication platform to keep students informed and engaged. Understanding the rapidly changing nature of how the pandemic unfolded, Rob knew that platform needed to be a 24/7, one-stop resource and found Ocelot’s free COVID chatbot offering.

We have an Academic Success Center team that needed a scalable way to engage students in the weeks and months ahead of the pandemic when it hit. We were not available in our offices, we were totally virtual. Ocelot’s COVID-19 bot was a wonderful solution for us as we tried to think through how we were going to respond and operate moving forward.”

With the rollout of the COVID chatbot, Rob and his team looked at the analytics and saw that the chatbot was becoming the go-to destination for students looking for clarity and updates. The success with CCM’s COVID response combined with the analytics became the proof-of-concept for CCM’s campus-wide chatbot deployment.

The campus-wide implementation began in 2020. With a dedicated Client Success Manager, Ocelot helped guide the implementation process to an easy and fast launch and within a short period of time County College of Morris was saving staff time and pointing students to consistent, reliable answers 24/7. 

It didn’t take us a long time from purchase to getting up and running. I would say it was a matter of weeks. It’s intuitive. It’s comprehensive. It allows us to maintain it with minimal workload effort. It’s really well supported by a forward-thinking vendor team (like Paul). The value of our relationship was obvious. After being live for 3 months – it’s amazing how much time our staff is saving with students using the chatbot, and we’re pointing students there to find answers. Definitely showing return on investment.”

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4 Year Public

Florida SouthWestern State College

FSW looked to Ocelot’s AI-powered Communication Platform for its multi-channel communications strategy with the goal of moving students from the phone channel to SMS texting and then to chatbot and live chat.

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