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Category: Operations

Leading with Emotional Quotient (EQ)

Successful leaders are inspiring! How exactly do they do it? Is there a magical online course they took over the weekend? Did they have celebrity CEO parents? While no one can guarantee success, one thing all leaders have in common is a high emotional intelligence. Emotional Quotient (EQ) is defined as the capability of individuals

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Communicating Through Listening

The most effective communicators are those who listen well. Unfortunately, effective listening is often the area most ignored in the majority of conversations. Here are a few tips on how to listen more effectively to improve your ability to better communicate: Be attentive: Paying attention to what is being said requires the listener to face

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3 Tips for Work Study Supervisors

One of the common themes among schools that administer a work-study program is the difficulty of balancing both the student and the supervisor sides of the program. When schools are responsible for overseeing student eligibility, hiring, AND earning processes, there are often many internal departments involved. While sharing the workload is necessary, training and communicating

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Planning for Financial Literacy Month

As the month of April approaches, now is a great time to begin considering your plans for Financial Literacy Month and how you will be promoting these concepts during the month. There are many ways to get creative. One approach is to plan one event each week during this month to continue to keep the

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