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Author: Ocelot Team

3 Financial Literacy Strategies That Support Student Retention

How important is student enrollment to your school? For certain institutions, it’s life or death. For others, it’s a recent phenomenon due to current economic trends. Regardless, it’s in your President’s wheelhouse and would be a benefit to be on your radar as well. Recent reports show that students cite financial difficulties as the primary reason

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3 Ideas to Increase Attention to Your Communications

Tired of your students complaining of TLDR (too long; didn’t read) syndrome? Financial aid professionals well understand the frustration of trying to engage short attention spans, while also covering all of the pertinent information. The problem is that there is usually just too much pertinent information! So how do you find the balance between catching

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4 Components of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

We probably all know someone who has the ability to not only listen in a caring way and also a master at managing his/her emotions.  This person most likely has a high level of Emotional intelligence (EQ).  Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions to optimize your communications, regulate your

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7 Times to Weave Money Management Tips throughout the School Year

Weaving in money management concepts into various times of the life-cycle of a student can enhance students’ understanding of the concepts at critical junctures. Here are 7 suggestions for reaching out to students with financial literacy concepts: 1. Include a budgeting tip into each electronic funds transfer (EFT) notice for Direct Loans. 2. In November,

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3 Tips to Improve Your Websites for Students with Disabilities

The amended Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act mandates that federal websites be accessible for disabled individuals and encourages organizations receiving federal funds to do the same. Although 508 compliance does not automatically apply to institutions of higher education, there are a number of schools who have adopted the federal standards on their own or

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4 Ideas to Improve SAP Communications

Since many of us are drawing to the end of another enrollment period, we are reviewing our Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) communications in anticipation of the next round of communications. Here are some suggestions to enhance your communications to these students to change outcomes. Highlight campus resources to put them back on track.  Students may

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