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Author: Ocelot Team

AI Chatbots Radically Improve How Students Get Answers

Artificially Intelligent Chatbots have the potential to deliver three significant upgrades over current technologies that answer student service questions. Indeed, the impact could be massive. The result will be happier, more informed students with better experiences. Over the past two decades, many schools have created information repositories, often referred to as knowledge bases, to organize

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Leading with Emotional Quotient (EQ)

Successful leaders are inspiring! How exactly do they do it? Is there a magical online course they took over the weekend? Did they have celebrity CEO parents? While no one can guarantee success, one thing all leaders have in common is a high emotional intelligence. Emotional Quotient (EQ) is defined as the capability of individuals

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Communicating Through Listening

The most effective communicators are those who listen well. Unfortunately, effective listening is often the area most ignored in the majority of conversations. Here are a few tips on how to listen more effectively to improve your ability to better communicate: Be attentive: Paying attention to what is being said requires the listener to face

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Creating a SAP Policy

Creating a solid SAP policy can seem an overwhelming process.  When should you measure? What terminology do you use? Should you have an appeal process? These questions are just a few of the components administrators have to consider when writing a policy.  Then there’s communicating your comprehensive policy to your students. When and how do

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Would You Read Your Own Website?

Here are a few tips to quickly improve the readability of your website: Keep it concise. When your content is highly readable, your audience is able to quickly digest the information you share with them. Focus on the essence of the message and cut out any unnecessary information. Break up content. Eye-tracking studies indicate that users fixate

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