Demystify FAFSA Simplification with Ocelot's AI-powered Digital Assistant, Available Now!

Making a better life
more accessible

Ocelot is the trusted partner for AI-driven communications in higher ed

Higher Ed Clients
0 +
Student Interactions
0 M
Staff Hours Saved
0 K
Financial Savings
$ 0 M

Our mission

Who we are

We collaborate with hundreds of public and private
institutions to enhance student experiences by acting as the
central link between campus systems and student
engagement channels. By offering institutions a way to
reach students with the right information at the right time
and providing unprecedented insights into student needs,
we help drive enrollment and boost student success.

Deep experience

Higher education expertise

With decades of experience in higher education, we deeply
understand the unique challenges institutions face today –
from the complex architecture and departmental IT siloes
that exist on many campuses to the macro challenges
institutions are tackling that impact enrollment and retention.

Ensure success

Purpose-built technology

As technologists at heart, we also see the huge opportunity
advanced machine learning has to help schools overcome
those challenges when applied in the right way. This unique
and deep domain expertise is baked not only into how we’ve
designed Ocelot’s solutions but also into how we partner
with our customers. Our technology was purpose-built to
deliver best-of-breed AI that meets the needs of today’s
schools and students, ensuring both are successful.

Our team

Executive leadership

AnthonY rotoli


daria averbach

svp of client success

erin davis


kae kronthaler-williams


meghna roy

svp of product managemEnt

paul dorney


robin hanselman


ross thompson


Join our team

Contact us today to learn more about what it s like to work at Ocelot and see if you're potentially a good fit with our team.

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