Demystify FAFSA Simplification with Ocelot's AI-powered Digital Assistant, Available Now!

Success is never a straight line

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) counseling center ensures students remain on an upward trajectory.

GetSAP gets students successful.

Preloaded with educational SAP videos, customizable content slides, case study examples, interactive calculators and comprehension questions.

Fewer SAP issues.

Proactive, at-risk, and appeal tracks ensure the right intervention at the right time.

Free up staff.

Always accessible online portal reduces repetitive administrative tasks.

Measurable student outcomes.

Pre- and post-testing quantifies student comprehension and reduces future issues.

Ocelot GetSAP Counseling Center


Dive into more success stories

Hear how your peers are realizing the benefits of the Ocelot’s AI Communications and Student Engagement Platform, ensuring every student gets the answers they need so no one is left behind.
4 Year Public

Colorado State University Global

As a fully online institution without a physical campus, building connections with students at CSU Global is uniquely challenging...
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Community College

Bakersfield College

Managing the volume of financial aid questions for Bakersfield College had become a challenge...
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4 Year Public

Empire State University

ESU administrators knew they needed tools and resources aimed at helping Empire State University’s students (spread out across every region of New York state) seek ...
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Over 15.6 million questions answered in the last 12 months alone.

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to increase enrollment, retention, and student success.
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